Preserving The Moment


Here is my beautiful family, my two sons and my daughter caught for all time in this photo where if you were to go by this idyllic scene, you’d never guess that three hours prior to this picture, my daughter was screaming, my sons were complaining and my husband was threatening to move out. Ahhh, sweet holiday moments.

You see, my daughter woke up from her late nap on the wrong side of the crib and made sure everyone in the house paid for it. She refused to put on her pretty dress, didn’t want anything to do with having her picture taken and there wasn’t an option of just scraping the idea and doing it another time because we had rearranged the house for this photo shoot. I know, you’re thinking ‘what the heck is she doing rearranging her house for a picture?’ well, to answer that question you’d have to understand my need for perfection when it comes to my photography…even of the kids. πŸ™‚ If I given too much freedom I might even repaint the walls to better accent my backdrop. Yeah, a little weird and a bit excessive I agree but we all have our quirks, right? Anyway, three hours later, I’ve managed to capture this beautiful moment with all three children looking happy and sweet, my husband is still around and I have something suitable to send out on holiday cards that *gulp* won’t arrive in mailboxes until AFTER Christmas. Hey, that’s why I put Happy Holidays not Merry Christmas. I didn’t specify which holiday, now did I? πŸ™‚

Happy Holidays!


5 responses to this post.

  1. It’s a great picture and each of your kids looks like you in a different way! πŸ™‚

    I haven’t even taken my kids’ pic yet, but today’s the day. So…rejoice. You’re not the latest!! lol


  2. Thanks Amy! Now I don’t feel so bad about being behind. I knew there had to be others who procrastinate as badly as I do! πŸ™‚

    Good luck with your pics and Merry Christmas!



  3. Posted by Kristen *sista* on December 24, 2007 at 12:08 am

    Classic. Miss you all so much.


  4. Great pic! Good for you on sending out the “holiday” cards. I know someone who just ordered “seasons greetings” cards to send out. No, not me. I actually got mine out on time this year! Last year had to be “Happy New Year” cards πŸ™‚


  5. I agree that we’re all entitled to our quirks … my kids have to have their animals in our holiday card pics which is fine with me as long as it makes them smile πŸ˜‰

    I really like the photo.


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